mind body connection

midlife woman overcoming obstacle in nature self care and peace calm overthinking

Overthinking and Anxiety in Midlife Women: A supportive guide to break free

Introduction: Many midlife women find themselves overthinking—whether it’s rehashing past decisions, worrying about the future, or second-guessing their current choices or just being able to switch off and relax. Overthinking can feel like a constant mental loop that saps your energy, peace of mind and stops us from being fully present or in flow. But …

Overthinking and Anxiety in Midlife Women: A supportive guide to break free Read More »

Emma Thorne Lees midlife woman coach

Positive Intelligence – My experiences

As you may have gathered if you have read previous posts, I have spent much of my life tangled in my own head, thoughts, worries, overthinking, second-guessing. I have also spent much of my life struggling with anxiety and sometimes depression, mainly without knowing it in my 20s and early 30s. I have now reached …

Positive Intelligence – My experiences Read More »

pile of chocolate intuitive eating reject diets

Intuitive Eating – Honour your Health with Gentle Nutrition

Yes! At last I am on the 10th, and last, principle of my Intuitive Eating journey, which is all about gentle nutrition or how I prefer to call it – food to feel good! In some ways it feels a bit incongruent to have a chapter on nutrition when the rest of the principles have …

Intuitive Eating – Honour your Health with Gentle Nutrition Read More »

graffiti heart connect to emotions intuitive eating

Intuitive Eating Journey – Coping with feelings with kindness and without food

Phew, that is a long title! So, in this post I am reviewing my experience with Principle 7 and what I learnt from my reading and self-exploration this week. If you haven´t ready my first post about ´Coping with your feelings with Kindness´ then I suggest you check it out first. This review is based …

Intuitive Eating Journey – Coping with feelings with kindness and without food Read More »